If I had one, I’m sure it would be huge. 😝
I think my first major transformation I’ve ever experienced happened in 5th grade. I didn’t know exactly why but I KNEW I was meant to be a cheerleader. I remember hearing about tryouts from a friend and made sure that I showed up. I knew NOTHING about cheerleading other than what I saw on Saved By The Bell (Go Bayside!)
Being one of the only Asians in my school made me question and doubt myself if Asians were even allowed to be cheerleaders. But rather than focusing on what I may not be able to do, I dove in. I asked the coaches what we need to do to make the team. They gave me the requirements, taught us the basics, and the rest was up to us to practice. I remember spending the rest of the week on my back patio watching my reflection in the sliding door glass for hours trying to perfect a toe touch. After days of practicing and tryouts I remember getting the call saying I made the team. From there on out I was a cheerleader and even went on to become an NCA All-American cheerleader my senior year in high school.
It may not seem like a big deal to some, but that entire experience taught me so much about myself, being on a team, how mindset can affect your performance and so many other life lessons that I would have never had learned had I not took a chance and get out of my comfort zone.
From there I had quite a few more transformations:
I went from fearing bankruptcy as I moved halfway across the country by myself with a 4 month old to tripling my salary and getting out of debt within 3 years.
My biggest physical transformation was when I lost over 100 pounds after having my first child.
I’ve pivoted my career by utilizing my kills, passion and mission to create a career that fulfills me and provides financial stability.
I went from never listening to a podcast to becoming the host of the #8 podcast in the Top 100 Indie TV Reviews charts in less than 4 months!
These things don’t happen overnight and it took a lot of hard work but with the right mindset and tools, I truly believe anyone can accomplish what they want. (As long as they truly want it.)
Email me (BravoAndBlaze@gmail.com) if you are looking for some support with your goals!
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