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Why Doesn't Sergio from Real Housewives of Dubai Know Basic Information About Reproduction?

Posted by Jenny Blaze on

Why Doesn't Sergio from Real Housewives of Dubai Know Basic Information About Reproduction?




This is basically a post for me to vent about how INFURIATING it is to see a man be so ignorant about reproduction.  However, this is not meant to target Sergio.  Imagine how many other men in the world have this level of ignorance.  This is the exact reason no man (no matter how much he's studied the female body...perv) should ever have any say in the laws around women's bodies. 


Chanel Ayan Period Dot


Also, shame on you, Dubai, for making it illegal to have a baby if you're not married.  


Dorinda Medley I'm Ashamed

1 comment

  • Say it again sister! I cringed at his comments and his lack of concern for Caroline’s health. And it’s true, there are so many men that have no clue about a woman’s body! And should have no say in what we do with them!

    Ex-Wife on

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